IAPS Archives - Perrott Hill

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New! IAPS Covid-19 Response Series

Earlier this term, we were invited to take part in the IAPS Covid-19 Response Series, a new project by IAPS and ITN Productions to showcase the great work of prep schools in dealing with lockdown and remote learning. The series launches this week via IAPS (which has over 670 of the world’s leading prep schools […]

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6th October 2020

Prepping for the Future

Earlier this year, Perrott Hill was selected as one of only a handful of prep schools across the country to appear in a new IAPS and ITN Productions collaboration, ‘Prepping for the Future’. Designed to showcase the very best of what a prep school education can offer in today’s ever-changing world, the film crew spent a day with us […]

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21st July 2020

Film Crew at Perrott Hill

We are very proud to announce that, after months in the planning, Perrott Hill is going be featured in a new two-part news-style programme, as part of an impressive and exciting collaboration between IAPS (the Independent Association of Prep Schools) and ITN Productions. Showcasing the very best of what prep schools have to offer, the programme […]

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14th February 2020

U13 IAPS Sailing Regatta

Very well done to Jemima and Lucy, who competed in last month’s U13 IAPS Sailing Regatta at Portland; they had a great race sailing a two Feva. Many thanks to Perrott parents David and Nessie for their ongoing support and encouragement and to IAPS for running a top event, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

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4th June 2019

Short Story Success

Congratulations to Year 7 pupil Alistair, whose short story on the theme of ‘space’ has been shortlisted for the St Mary’s Shaftesbury ‘Born to Write’ competition. There were over 230 entries from schools across the South West and the judging was taken on by a team of staff from St Mary’s along with journalist, BBC […]

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28th February 2019

Scholarship Success

Congratulations to Toby and Chester for their Academic and Music Scholarships and Exhibition to Blundell’s, and to Lola for gaining the Headmaster’s Award – one of only three this year! We have also received the news that Stella (not pictured) has been awarded a Drama Scholarship and Art Exhibition, to go alongside her Sports Scholarship. […]

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20th February 2019

U11 Training Session

Our roster of external sports coaches coming into Perrott from senior schools is impressive, with specialists from Millfield, Canford and King’s College, Taunton in the past year, to name a few. This week, our U11 boys enjoyed a brilliant hockey training session with Mr Corbin O’Grady, Head of Cricket and Hockey Coach at King’s Bruton, while […]

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20th February 2019

Year 8 Debate

Our Year 8 pupils battled it out in the Grundy Hall last week, contesting the motion ‘This house believes nothing is more precious than independence.’ After some rousing speeches and thoughtful questioning from the floor, the motion was defeated by a miniscule margin. Well done to all our speakers, along with our super-efficient timekeeper and […]

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12th February 2019

Hunger Lunch for Yemen

The whole school took part in a Hunger Lunch (soup and bread) last week, to raise money for and awareness of the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. The idea was put forward by our Year 6 children, who have been looking at the conflict and the devastating impact it has had on the country’s children, who […]

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8th February 2019

Carymoor Trip for Eco Team

Our Eco Team visited Carymoor Environmental Trust last week, which is one of Somerset’s two landfill sites. It is home to 48 years’ worth of rubbish, some of which will take thousands of years to decompose. ‘Standing on huge hills with 15 metres of rubbish beneath you is a real eye-opener,’ said Mr Coverdale, our […]

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28th January 2019