Surgery Frequently Asked Questions - Perrott Hill

Our next Open Day is on Saturday 7 December 2024 Click here for information

Surgery – Frequently Asked Questions

Who do I tell if my child is unwell?

Please call the School Office by 8.40am if your child is ill, otherwise they will be marked down as having an unauthorised absence. You will also need to follow this up in writing – an email is fine.

Who do I tell if my child has a medical appointment or if I’d like them to stay off games?

Please email with appointment details. For off games, write it in your child’s contact book, or send an email to matron ( with the reason and how long you wish your child to remain off games.

What happens if my child is injured or becomes unwell at school?

If your child is injured or unwell at school, a member of surgery staff will assess their condition and decide on treatment. This will all be recorded on your child’s individual record, in the diary and, in the case of serious injury, in the accident book. Parents will be notified of any injuries or illness either by phone, email or at tick off. Any medicines given will be recorded on a note for parents describing what they were, what dosage was given, what time they were given and the reason for it. In the case of more serious incidents of illness or injury, the child’s parents will be contacted.

What happens if my child needs to be isolated?

There are two isolation rooms in the Surgery which are used to limit the spread of infection. If your child becomes unwell overnight, boarding duty staff will contact the school nurse to seek medical advice. Parents will be informed when appropriate to make arrangements for the pupil to be collected from school.

What if my child requires prescribed medicine during the school day?

An authorisation form must be completed; these are held in the School Office and all medicine should be clearly labelled for your child and in the original packaging. All medicines should be handed in at the School Office, to your child’s tutor or straight to Surgery. All medicines are held in Surgery; no child should have medicines in their bag.

Who do I inform if my child has needed medical treatment during school holidays?

It is important that the School Nurse/Matron are informed of any medical treatment, vaccinations given, or medicines prescribed during the school holidays. Pupils should bring any medication to the Surgery on return to school to ensure the medical staff are aware of the treatment. All individual medicines are stored in a lockable cabinet which is only accessed by authorised staff.

My child has had sickness and diarrhoea. How long should they be away from school?

48 hours from the last episode of sickness or diarrhoea.

What if my child becomes upset during the school day?

When a student is upset and requires pastoral support we listen to their concerns and discuss ways in which we can help. Surgery staff link with the Joint Acting Head Will Silk and relevant senior staff or form tutors.

Can I speak to surgery staff about confidential matters?

All medical information will be held in confidence by the surgery staff, except where there is concern for a pupil or other pupil’s safety, and information on the Medical Questionnaire relevant to ‘Off Site’ trips. School Nurse/Matron will keep parents/guardians informed of any medical problems.