Ralph has BBC first round success! - Perrott Hill

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Ralph has BBC first round success!

We are delighted to receive the news that Ralph’s entry for the
BBC 500 Words Story Competition has been selected by the judging
panel to go through to the second round. Over 100,000 children take
part in the competition each year so this is a superb achievement.
Ralph’s tale The Knight is a skilfully crafted traditional quest tale, but
with a surprise twist ending. We wish Ralph every success as The Knight
enters the next level of the contest.

The following is an extract from the final paragraphs of the story:
Finally, with a mighty stab the knight struck the queen’s heart. She staggered
back, her eyes wide with disbelief. The knight took advantage of her weakness
and plunged his sword deep into her chest. The evil queen fell to the ground,
her life’s breath leaving her body. The castle fell silent. The knight stood over
the queen’s motionless body, panting heavily. He had done it! He had finally
slayed the evil queen! As he turned to leave the castle, he knew that the
world would be a safer place without her. He had fulfilled his destiny.

The judging panel includes award-winning and best-selling authors Frank
Cottrell-Boyce, Francesca Simon, Charlie Higson, former children’s
laureate, Malorie Blackman and TV legend, children’s author and World
Book Day ambassador, Sir Lenny Henry

Ralph has BBC first round success!

BBC 500 Word Competition

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15th January 2024