Reports and Assessments - Perrott Hill

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Reports & Assessments

External Examinations & Assessments

In Years 7 to 8 the curriculum is targeted towards the Common Entrance examination to senior schools and scholarships, as appropriate, either as an academic candidate or in specialist areas: All Rounders, Art, DT, Sport, Music and Drama.

Internal Examinations & Assessments

Years 3 and 4: Tests take place in March and June in all subjects.  These are organised by the form teachers.

Years 5, 6 and 7: Examinations in all subjects take place in March and June.

Year 8: Examinations in all subjects are taken each term.

In the autumn term, all pupils from Years 1 to 8 sit NFER Mathematics and English papers, which monitor achievement using national, rather than school-based, criteria. Pupils also take verbal and non-verbal reasoning tests (CATs).

Strong mathematicians are entered for the National UK Maths Challenge.   The school also participates in other external assessments and competitions, both locally and nationally.

Reports & Grades

Full academic and pastoral reports are given to parents each term. From Years 3 to 8 grades are awarded twice a term and are made available to parents. These reflect the teachers’ assessment of the effort each pupil has shown, as well as each pupil’s attainment. New pupils receive an interim report at the end of their first half term.