Hadrian's Wall Trip - Perrott Hill

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Hadrian’s Wall Trip

Our Year 6 pupils  enjoyed the most incredible Latin trip to Hadrian’s Wall at the start of the summer holidays. As well as visiting Segedunum and getting to see the excavated fort from the 35 metre high viewing tower (wow!), they experienced what life was like at one of the Roman Empire’s most northern outposts and took in some amazing Roman reconstructions at Arbeia Roman Fort in South Shields. They also visited the wonderful Housesteads Roman Fort and were at Vindolanda (The Roman Army Museum, where they had a Latin lesson with holographic teacher from the past, Velius Longus!) when the team uncovered a beautiful little oil lamp from the Antonine excavation. What a phenomenal week of bringing Latin to life… Our biggest thanks to Mr Patrick, Mr and Mrs McCullough and Ms Williams – and to all at Mowden Hall School for letting us stay there. A truly unforgettable four days.

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4th September 2019